Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Apparently the universe is out to get my left hand...

I don't know what my left hand did while I wasn't looking, but it sure has been taking a beating lately. Within twenty-four hours over the weekend my hand was injured not once, not twice, but THREE times! And I don't mean like slammed in the door or just general banged up. I'm talking about sliced open and bloody mess injuries.

Sunday morning I was preparing things for a baby shower for my friend, Liz. I was making some party favors involving safety pins. I jammed a safety pin into my cuticle and blood was everywhere. Then I was cutting fruit for a fruit salad and sliced my thumb open. This time there was copious amounts of blood and use of the F word. Fast forward to Monday when Paulie and I visited AC Moore. I grabbed a cart without looking and had my pinky sliced open because the plastic on the handle was broken.

What did my left hand do that was so awful?

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A crafty girl who loves her tattoo artist(so much she married him!), the Misfits, and dancing to Lady Gaga when no one is looking.