Sunday, November 21, 2010

A 3 year old wins an argument with a 57 year old

About a month or so ago I was at my mom's house on a Saturday afternoon. My niece, Blakeleigh, just happened to be there as well because my mom watches her on the weekend. Mom and I were going to go outside for a cigarette, but Blakeleigh did not want to go out there with us. Mom told Blakeleigh "Ok you can stay inside, but if you need something you go ask Blair for it." What my mom didn't know was Blair was not in the house.
So, we're outside smoking and of course we start talking. Before we know it like thirty mintues has passed. Mom goes inside to check on Blakeleigh. Here's what happened:
Mom walks in the house and says to Blakeleigh:
"You doing ok?"

"No, I'm thirsty."

"Why didn't you ask Blair for a drink?"

"She's not here."

"What do you mean she's not here?"
Then Mom heard a scratching sound coming from Blair's room.
"What is that, Blakeleigh?"

"It's Sugarpants. I locked her in Blair's room" (Sugarpants is my sister's dog)

"Why would you do that?" my mom asked, "You can't lock dogs in bedrooms!"

To which Blakeleigh replied:

"Well I can't help it if you left me in here with no adult supervision!"

And that is how a 3 year old wins an argument with a 57 year old.

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A crafty girl who loves her tattoo artist(so much she married him!), the Misfits, and dancing to Lady Gaga when no one is looking.